Cees Krijnen 1969, Velsen (NL);
lives in Haarlem (NL).

cees krijnen

cees krijnen

cees krijnen

Since he was granted the Dutch Prix de Rome in 1999, Cees Krijnen travels the world with his Woman-in-Divorce-Battle on Tour that started in New York and visited Amsterdam, Lucerne (Switzerland), Biella (Italy, at the Michelangelo Pistoletto Foundation) and will now stop in Milan. The tour will continue through Paris, Tokyo, and London. The star of the Woman-in-Divorce-Battle on Tour is the artist's mother, who, after 15 years of legal strife, has as of yet not succeeded in obtaining a divorce from her estranged husband. In this performance, Cees Krijnen transforms his mother into the Ambassadress of Women in Divorce, which is now a status officially recognized by the Dutch government, who were exclusive sponsors of the project.
Krijnen's work plays in a most unique way with the borderlines between art, theater, fashion and life. The artist organized a fashion shoot for his mother during one of her court hearings, and also created a line of cosmetics ("CeesKrijnenCosmetics") that even includes a nose-hair conditioner.
In the Double Dutch exhibition, Krijnen's PPPPS (PortablePainkillerPowderPuffSystem) will be installed, a machine he devised that sprays out aspirine powder that takes away the pain of divorce.
Cees is a master in the transformation of reality into grand showmanship and "egodocudrama".

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